Employee happiness matters

Our services offer a range of wellbeing solutions. We can help you...

Increase Profits

Following one of our wellbeing plans will promote a healthy positive mindset, increase energy levels and boost productivity.

Reduce Sickness & Absenteeism

Absenteeism and presenteeism costs the UK economy an estimated 77.5 billion pounds each year. Building a happier workplace and showing that you value your staff, also having a positive impact on your bottom line.

Reduce Stress

Stress is now the number one reason for long term absence from work. By taking a proactive approach you will help your employees to manage the strain of a busy work and home life.

Engagement & Belonging

Show your team that you care about their wellbeing, by investing in their health and future. Fitness and wellbeing brings people together.


We actively encourage teams to discuss their goals, progress, activity and nutritional habits. These common goals creates a strong bond between employees that stretches beyond the workplace.

Increase Profits

Following one of our wellbeing plans will promote a healthy positive mindset, increase energy levels and boost productivity.

Reduce Sickness & Absenteeism

Absenteeism and presenteeism costs the UK economy an estimated 77.5 billion pounds each year. Building a happier workplace and showing that you value your staff, also having a positive impact on your bottom line.

Reduce Stress

Stress is now the number one reason for long term absence from work. By taking a proactive approach you will help your employees to manage the strain of a busy work and home life.

Engagement & Belonging

Show your team that you care about their wellbeing, by investing in their health and future. Fitness and wellbeing brings people together.


We actively encourage teams to discuss their goals, progress, activity and nutritional habits. These common goals creates a strong bond between employees that stretches beyond the workplace.

What our clients are saying

I began working with Ross in 2013 in the run up to the Great Manchester Run. I had already ran a few 10k events before but I wanted to beat my time. With a weekly training session in the 10 weeks upto the run, I felt well prepared for the big day and beat my best result to record a 38:10 time, something that I could never have imagined achieving.

I now train with Ross week in, week out, every Friday. He has a detailed training plan for the rest of my week and also a diet plan to make sure that I am consuming the right food and drink to improve the effects of my training. I train with Ross every Friday and after a tiring week at work, there’s nothing better than getting a good workout to re-invigorate mind and body. It is never a chore to train with Ross. He makes it enjoyable, sociable and productive. You know you’ve had a workout after one of his sessions!

Ross – I am in the best shape of my life thanks to you and I plan to keep up our training plan for a long long time, thank you!

When I said I’m going to get a PT and get fit people almost immediately responded with “why? You’re in great shape, you don’t need to lose weight.”

Perhaps at first glance I may have looked like a young and healthy individual, but the fact of the matter is: I wasn’t. Running to the bus stop would just about ruin me, and – like many women I’m sure – I’d meticulously pick my clothing to hide certain bits I wasn’t all that happy about. Oh, and I practically existed on coffee.

After just a couple of months with Ross I have lost 5 kg, I don’t so much as break a sweat running for the bus, I have bought a whole wardrobe of new clothes I would never have of dreamt of wearing and I now run on water instead of coffee (most of the time). But more than all of that, I feel good; better about myself – inside and out.

I’ve always avoided exercise like the plague and had convinced myself “I’m just not made for sport”. Now I can run a few kilometres and, for the first time ever, even enjoy a few sports, namely boxing. Who would have thought?!

At 25 I am fitter, and healthier and more toned than I have ever been. I’ve been told that things start going downhill from here, but with Ross’s help things have only been going up for me.

I’d recommend him to anyone. He’s undoubtedly a sadist, but you’ll thank him in the end!

I have been with Ross, as my personal trainer at Gym 72 for over 2 years, and during that time he has encouraged, supported and inspired me in the way I think about myself, and my lifestyle choices, it has added to my confidence to feel this fit, I have lost a large amount of weight and have never felt fitter,

Tim White has lost 9.5 stones in weight since training. The majority of this weight loss was achieved within a 6 month period. Tim got his results by following simple nutritional advice and exercise guidelines. Tim now runs a minimum of 10km 3-5 per week along with two strength building Personal Training sessions.

Ross took control and empowered me to take up the offer of looking into my health and wellbeing and booking a set of sessions to start improving my body strength. Ross is incredibly supportive and very encouraging and every week I have had no hesitation to recommend you to several people already.

“I am in the best shape of my life thanks to Gym 72 and I plan to keep up our training plan for a long long time, thank you!”


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Copyright Gym72 Fitness Solutions 2021. All rights reserved.

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